Sunday, February 11, 2007

Scholarships for Young Humanities

Scholarships for Young Humanities, Social and Law Scholars of Islamic Background Countries

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation: Additional scholarships for young humanities, social and law scholars from countries with an Islamic background. This scholarships provide an opportunity for highly qualified scholars that hold a doctorate and are under the age of 40 to carry out a research project of their choice in Germany. The scholarship holder undertakes the obligation to research for at least six to a maximum of twelve months in Germany. Furthermore, they must come from a law, humanities or social sciences field. For the entire period of time, the scholarship holder will receive monthly support of between 2,100 and 3,000 EUR.

Target Group
Highly qualified up-and-coming scholars that hold a doctorate from countries with an Islamic background and who wish to carry out a research project of their choice in Germany.

Academic Requirements
The most important factors for the decision are previous (international) publications as well as the quality and feasibility of the research project.

Number of Scholarships

6 to 12 months; an extension of up to a maximum of 24 months is possible

Scholarship Value
A monthly research grant of 2,100 EUR to 3,000 EUR.
Further support:
- Language scholarships / German courses
- Travel cost grants
- Mobility grants
- Grant and financial aid for accompanying spouses and children

Application Requirements
- Doctorate or comparable academic degree (Ph.D., C.Sc. or equivalent); or several years of activity in research which can be convincingly substantiated through publications in (internationally) recognised academic journals; applications from academics that are about to complete their doctorate are possible upon presentation of the dissertation manuscript or publications that contain the results of the dissertation;
- Proof of independent research activity through academic publications in recognised journals (if possible international);
- Prior arrangement with an academic host in Germany that is prepared to supervise the research project and provide a workplace for carrying the research project;
- Age up to 40 years (Deadline: receipt of complete application before the applicant’s 40th birthday). A limited number of exceptions are possible in particularly well-founded cases (e.g. child-raising time) and if the age limit is only slightly exceeded;
- Language knowledge:
Humanities scholars and social scientists must have a good command of German to the extent that this is necessary for carrying out the project (German language certificate required); otherwise a very good command of English is sufficient (proof required through language certificate).

Application Papers
Application documents can be downloaded here.

Contact Information:
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Jean-Paul-Straße 12
53173 Bonn
Phone: 0228 / 833-0
Fax: 0228 / 833-199




Looking for scholarship, actually one thing have done not too easy but not too hard usually all people looking in internet.

The demands for scholarship would be always keep searching by anybody thats really need its. From education/study-scholarship, research-scholarship, and some kind development of project-scholarship. Internet is on of the best place to find all that information abot scholarship. With so easy, we can get this correct information for looking scholarship. In that fact, i've got my idea to wake this blog about this information scholarship. Although, might possibly this information in this blog it can be less or not complete than with other blog/websites, anyway this is with all my pleasure, i would share this information just for you all.

Have a good time for looking scholarship!

Mencari beasiswa sebenarnya salah satu hal yang gampang-gampang susah dilakukan yang biasa dilakukan oleh para internet mania.
Kebutuhan akan beasiswa akan selalu terus dicari oleh siapapun yang membutuhkan. Dari beasiswa pendidikan hingga beasiswa riset dan beasiswa pengembangan proyek. Internet merupakan salah satu gerbang yang terbuka luas untuk informasi yang satu ini. Dengan mudah sebenarnya kita bisa mendapatkan informasi yang tepat dalam hal pencarian beasiswa. Maka dari itu, terbesit ide dari saya untuk membuat blog tentang info beasiswa ini. Walaupun mungkin saja info yang ada di blog ini bisa saja kurang lengkap dibandingkan dengan website yang lainnya, tapi dengan senang hati saya ikut berbagi informasi untuk anda.

Selamat mencari beasiswa!